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Progress Shots:

1) How do you mix a tertiary colour?

You mix a tertiary colour by mixing a primary colour and a secondary colour.
2) How do you make a colour neutral?

You add a brown, white, or black to make a colour neutral.
3) How do you mix a shade of brown?

You mix a shade of brown by mixing two complementary colours together.
4)“How does colour affect the viewers reaction to Picasso’s “Celestina” in blue tones and in
Kiki Smith’s “Virgin Mary” in red tones?

Cool colours like in Picasso's "Celestina" make people feel sad and Warm colours like in Kiki Smith's "Virgin Mary" make people feel warm and invited. 
5) How does colour in these two works of art play a role in the reaction of the viewer?

In both paintings the colour influences the reaction of the viewer either to make them feel sad or happy.
6) How might other people’s associations with colour affect their perception of this
portrait?” (A2.1)

If somebody likes a colour often associated with sadness they might associate it with happiness and this may change how they view a painting with that colour in it.
7) Looking to your colour wheel, what are 3 areas you are most proud of and what are 3
areas if you had more time you would rework and why?

My three favourite areas in my colour wheel are my red colours because I feel like I made them very clean, my bubble letters because I made them 3-D and I usually am not good at that, and finally I enjoy my blue-green because that's my favourite colour. 

Three areas I would like to rework are y yellow-green because the progression is weird, my blue-violet because I feel like it's sloppy and the lines aren't clean, and my red-orange because I feel like it's sloppy again and the lines aren't clean.




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